Christmas, wow I love the ring of that. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday every since I was little bitty. My Dad goes all out for Christmas and buys gifts all year around for this very special day. However I have a fond memory about a certain Christmas that was about 3 years ago. Were I learned that giving was greater than receiving. Janet Word had called my mom and said that the elementary school is giving 5 families $500 to shop for a needy family in our town. My mom explained and told what was going on and who our family was. I also learned that there was a girl in my grade that was part of this family. My mother and I took our car to Amarillo and went to Target to find gifts to make their Christmas the best it could be. I took special pride in picking out things for each person, and picturing how they would react when they open the gifts. After each member in the family had a couple of gifts of their own we headed back to Childress. Christmas Eve came and it was time to load up all the gifts and take it to our family. My dad had dressed up in a Santa Clause suit and was going to hand out the gifts. We pulled up to the small whited chipped house that was leaned to the side and dropped off my dad. Then pull up along side of another house to watch threw the warm golden window. It happened to be one of the sweetest most saddest thing I have ever witnessed as all these little girls are running up to my dad with warm sparkling eyes to see what dear old saint nick had brought them. After my dad was done he jogged back to the car and turned to my mother and I and he told us what all they had to said to him. He said that the littlest girl looked at him and whispered in a soft milotone voice " I love you Santa". As these words crossed threw my mind I realized that giving was much better than receiving.
Friday, December 5, 2008
A Leason in Giving than Getting
Christmas, wow I love the ring of that. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday every since I was little bitty. My Dad goes all out for Christmas and buys gifts all year around for this very special day. However I have a fond memory about a certain Christmas that was about 3 years ago. Were I learned that giving was greater than receiving. Janet Word had called my mom and said that the elementary school is giving 5 families $500 to shop for a needy family in our town. My mom explained and told what was going on and who our family was. I also learned that there was a girl in my grade that was part of this family. My mother and I took our car to Amarillo and went to Target to find gifts to make their Christmas the best it could be. I took special pride in picking out things for each person, and picturing how they would react when they open the gifts. After each member in the family had a couple of gifts of their own we headed back to Childress. Christmas Eve came and it was time to load up all the gifts and take it to our family. My dad had dressed up in a Santa Clause suit and was going to hand out the gifts. We pulled up to the small whited chipped house that was leaned to the side and dropped off my dad. Then pull up along side of another house to watch threw the warm golden window. It happened to be one of the sweetest most saddest thing I have ever witnessed as all these little girls are running up to my dad with warm sparkling eyes to see what dear old saint nick had brought them. After my dad was done he jogged back to the car and turned to my mother and I and he told us what all they had to said to him. He said that the littlest girl looked at him and whispered in a soft milotone voice " I love you Santa". As these words crossed threw my mind I realized that giving was much better than receiving.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Small Town Life
I really didn't know what to wright about and then it came to me. I should wright about the only thing I know and enjoy, it's my small town life. My friends are always talking about how they can't wait to get out of this town, but I disagree I want to go to college and move back. Have you ever seen the Andy Griffith Show? That is exactly what comes to my mind when I think of Childress Texas. This town has so many charters in it. Everyone knows everyone and someone is always smiling or waving at you and sometimes that change your whole outlook on that day. In all this to say I'm thankful for my little Texas town.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I think that the school should let the students wear costumes. Yes, it was wrong of Petryk to wear that but its not fair to the other students who wore what they were supposed to. I think Petryk should not be allowed to wear one because he ruined his chance. I do understand that they school board just want to be on the safe side but in my point of view I think they shouldn't punish everyone for one poor decision that a immature boy made.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Invisibility Cloak
Invisibility... hmm were would I go and what would I do? It took me a while to think about one place and I chose Childress, even thou this is a small town there are lots of things we don't know about. I can just picture walking around down town on a fall day and pop my head into catus rose and hear the latest gossip, or even sit in the mayor's office and hear about our little Texas town's worries. I could walk down the halls of each school and recall old memories and watch as other kids make their own, I would also enjoy going to the park and sitting on that old swing and watch as new mothers bring their children to play on the playground. The Being invisible part might be fun for a little bit because you can just look from the outside in and think about what you have to be thankful for but on the other hand I really wouldn't enjoy it that much cause when it comes down to it all I want is to be loved and you really can't have that when no one can see you.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Well, I have been blessed with a very good memory and one memory that comes to mind is my grandpa's funeral. I happened to only be 7 and so I really don't remember much before the funeral, but were my memory picks up my family is entering the First Babtist Church from a cold windy day that seem to make the day even more upsetting. We slowly walked down the ayl and all I remember was looking at all the pews fild with people, not one sit was empty so i just keep my eyes on that deep blue carpit and folowed in line with everyone else. Everyone slowly slid into the pews, I was sitted next to my mother and father, and to be honest I was sad but to a 7 year old you really don't know what was going on so I didn't show much emotion. Then it came time for my dad to stand in front of the whole church and talk about his father that he had been so close to. In my short little life I had never seen my dad cry NEVER and even after this day I still have not. He started out strong speaking of past memories then little by little his voice started to crack and his words were not as clear as they were a minute ago. Then I saw a tear slowly trickle down his check and then another one. Soon they were uncontroble and my dad just stood infront of the church and cried like no one was watching. Thats when I took in the whole effect of what was going on. My strong dad, was torn, hurt, and heartbroken, and each tear that fell made me feel as if my world was falling apart. Looking back on it now that must have been the strongest thing my dad has ever done, and i look up to him for that.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Childress Texas not having bonfires its hard to believe, ever since I was little I remember getting all bundled up and going out in to the October weather to see the tradial bobcat bonfire. I have always looked forward to it and i was really upset to hear that were not having it. I also know that the school and town are working hard to make the pariade a new tradtion, but it still doesn't compare to the bonfire. I thought it would be fun to spray paint a bunch of cars and then give the football players a big hammer and they chould go at the cars. If you don't get what i'm trying to say just think about the movie remember the titians it show a little clip of them doing that. In all this to say i'm upset that were not having a bonfire but hey not everything can float your boat.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
a rule needed in life
I wish there were a rule that said no one could talk bad about somebody. This would be a good rule because when you talk bad about somebody all you do is hurt that certain person. Think about it what good does it do besides build up your own self esteem and lower the other person's opion of themselves. All your doing is mainly hurting your self because everyone that hears you talking bad about someone will all wonder in the back of their mind, if your talking about them, or if your spreading yet another rumor, if your telling their deepest darkest secrete. In all this to say we all just need a rule to say keep our mouths shut if all its gonna do is hurt someone!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
If I had to chose between being wealthy and ugly or beautiful and poor I would have to chose being poor and beautiful! In my life my dad has taught me that you don't need money to make you happy. It depends on how you look at the situation and how your gonna handle it. All you need to make you happy in life is friends, family, laughs and smiles. Cause in reality somethings can't be bought, and those things are what truly matter.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Life in 10 years
My life in ten years wow, that’s weird to think about. I plan on going to college and find a good lookin rich guy and marry him! Well, that’s plan A but in reality that’s not going to happen so I plan on going to Texas Tech and becoming a teacher marrying the man of my dreams and move back to the small Texas town I have come to love Childress. Im going to wake up every morning and sneak to the nusry and watch my children sleep and hope that they will have as good of a childhood as I did. I plan on sitting on the front porch talking to that sweet grey haired old man that i look up to so much (my dad), so i guess you could say that’s the life I envoy and plan to have!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The day 9/11 happened will always stay with me. I was in 3rd grade in Mrs. Longs class. It was early morning and Mrs. Long was writing on the board when the sub came in and slowly walked towards her and whispered something in her ear. Then everything grew silent, you could see the worry and surprise in her face, then she turned to glance at her class then flew out the door. All day we wondered why Mrs. Long had run out of class and not come back. The sub wouldn't tell us anything. I remember the hall being so quit and it was like everything was moving in slow motion. Later on that day my mother told me that these two big building were flew into by planes over taken by mean men out of our country, and they tried to fly into the pentagon, come to find out Mrs. Long's son works in the pentagon and she didn't know if he was okay or not! So for the rest of the night we watched the news about how our country was in trouble. I think that the terrist meant for it to hurt our country but we all came together to help each other so in my opion it made us stronger! I don't really know if were safe or not from terrorism but I know that we will always make it threw.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
If I could chang something about my life...
If I could change one thing about my life it would be that my cousins and I were about the same age. In my family on my dad's side I have 4 cousins 3 of them happen to be married and have kids and they are at lest 21 and older so when we have family gatherings we really don't click like most cousins do, but in all honesty my life is wonderful so i guess this is really the only thing i would change.
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