Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Well, I have been blessed with a very good memory and one memory that comes to mind is my grandpa's funeral. I happened to only be 7 and so I really don't remember much before the funeral, but were my memory picks up my family is entering the First Babtist Church from a cold windy day that seem to make the day even more upsetting. We slowly walked down the ayl and all I remember was looking at all the pews fild with people, not one sit was empty so i just keep my eyes on that deep blue carpit and folowed in line with everyone else. Everyone slowly slid into the pews, I was sitted next to my mother and father, and to be honest I was sad but to a 7 year old you really don't know what was going on so I didn't show much emotion. Then it came time for my dad to stand in front of the whole church and talk about his father that he had been so close to. In my short little life I had never seen my dad cry NEVER and even after this day I still have not. He started out strong speaking of past memories then little by little his voice started to crack and his words were not as clear as they were a minute ago. Then I saw a tear slowly trickle down his check and then another one. Soon they were uncontroble and my dad just stood infront of the church and cried like no one was watching. Thats when I took in the whole effect of what was going on. My strong dad, was torn, hurt, and heartbroken, and each tear that fell made me feel as if my world was falling apart. Looking back on it now that must have been the strongest thing my dad has ever done, and i look up to him for that.
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